Jacob Bethel Corporation LPG EIA
Jacob Bethel Corporation (Pvt) Ltd is to import and distribute Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Jacob Bethel Corporation (JBC) is procure the gas supplies from South Africa. The Gas is being delivered by road from South Africa Synthetic Oil Liquid Company (SASOL) to 7 Dalny Belmont Bulawayo, where storage facilities have been put in place (Fig 2 & 3). The area to be utilized by JBC is 750m2. The LPG tank capacity is 60 tonnes. The project site is within the JBC industrial stand where mining equipment is manufactured and metal fabrication is done.
According to the Environmental Management Act Chapter 20:27, Section 97, the proposed project is a prescribed activity which requires an environmental EIA report.
The proposed project is sited at 7 Dalny Street, Belmont in Bulawayo. The area is an industrial site with a myriad of manufacturing companies dotted around. The project site is surrounded by the following manufacturing companies; Lobels, Choppies Datlabs, Engutsheni Hospital, C.T Bolts, and Cadac.

Objectives of the Project Description
Zimbabwe’s decade long economic meltdown has, inter alia, resulted in a widespread deterioration of infrastructural services. Prominent among these, is Zimbabwe’s electricity supply which has continuously failed to meet demand, as evidenced by frequent and prolonged outages. Faced with the prospects of postponed or no meals, many establishments and households have resorted to alternatives such as LPG, which is a cleaner energy.
Due to the absence of a functioning local refinery, JBC intends to source LPG externally. While the mechanics of such an exercise are wrought with certain difficulties and hazards, the company has laid careful plans for the successful implementation of the project. The size of the local market, coupled with the experience in marketing, the competence of the directors will guarantee rapid market penetration, through tried and tested business models as this project is an auxiliary to the primary business of metal fabrication. This will result in a profitable outcome. With the global trend moving towards the use of LPG as a source of sustainable energy, the normalisation of electricity supply is not expected to affect the growth of the LPG sector as high electricity costs continue to push consumers towards more sustainable energy sources, in adherence to global trends of cleaner environment.