Eloana Brooke EIA
Veluntina Investments (Pvt) Ltd is proposing to establish an affordable housing development in Eloana suburb which will be called Eloana Brooke suburb in Burnside area (Fig 1). The proponent wishes to service and sell residential stands at affordable prices to potential customers. This is in accordance with the National Housing Policy of 2011, in formulating a National Plan of action on housing development. The objective of the policy is to develop a coordinated housing sector which addresses the needs and interests of all stakeholders for maximum performance. This will involve the construction of 43 residential stands, 4 town houses, a recreational area, connection of sewage system and establishment of 6 access roads in a total area of approximately 12.5 hectares.
Project Location
The proposed housing project is located south of Bulawayo Central Business District approximately 12km as one travels outside the CBD along Matopo road and then travel along old Gwanda road. The project area is between Ashton drive, Duns road and Old Gwanda road. Burnside, Four wings and Hillside are the suburbs close to the proposed project site. It falls under Bulawayo District.

The proposed project is in line with the requirements of Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) numbers 11 and 12; Sustainable Cities and Communities and Responsible Consumption and Production. SDG number 11 states that, more than half of the world’s population now live in urban areas. By 2050, that figure will have risen to 6.5 billion people – two-thirds of all humanity. Sustainable development cannot be achieved without significantly transforming the way we build and manage our urban spaces. The rapid growth of cities in the developing world, coupled with increasing rural to urban migration, has led to a boom in mega-cities. In 1990, there were ten mega-cities with 10 million inhabitants or more. In 2014, there were 28 mega-cities, home to a total 453 million people. Extreme poverty is often concentrated in urban spaces, and national and city governments struggle to accommodate the rising population in these areas. Making cities safe and sustainable means ensuring access to safe and affordable housing, and upgrading slum settlements. It also involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in a way that is both participatory and inclusive. The project is set to come along with employment, business opportunities, multiplier effect as well as infrastructural development. The project is expected to alleviate housing predicament through provision of much needed housing stands for the local people in Bulawayo.
The housing development project will include:
a) Clearing and preparation of the project site;
b) Pegging of 43 residential stands and 4 town houses. The residential stands will be sold to individuals/organizations who have the desire to develop them to functionality in the long run;
c) Development of all-weather access roads, parking and walkways;
d) Development of utilities services including community water supply pipes, storm water drainage systems, sewerage systems and electricity supply;
e) Site landscaping especially tree planting and landscaped gardens and
f) Provision of adequate recreation and greening open spaces and parks.