Denver Township EIA
Gamanje Pvt. Ltd has serviced and established a low-cost housing development called Denver Township. The project involves the construction of 837 low cost housing units in a total area of 150.66 hectares. The area has been serviced and is still being progressively services in phases. The water and sewage reticulation have been put in place in the first and second panel. Now the third panel is being worked on. Some of the roads that service the residential area have been resurfaced. The house construction of the area has various levels of development (Plates 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3). There are stands that have been bought but not yet developed.

However, the complete houses have not been electrified (Plate 2.3). The source of electricity will be solar power in the meantime. The housing project has constructed and is progressively constructing the following:
- Development of community facilities including two schools; church stands; sports centre; commercial centre; hospital and police station. However, these stands have been sold to individuals/organisations who have the desire to develop them to functionality in the long run.
- Development all weather access roads, parking and walkways;
Development of drainage systems for storm water; - Site landscaping especially tree planting and landscaped gardens and
- Provision of adequate recreation green area open spaces and parks.
The project is expected to alleviate housing predicament through provision of much needed housing stands for the local people in Bulawayo and Umguza RDC. Bulawayo is experiencing a high demand for housing and social amenities due to population growth. The nature of the development will minimize negative environmental impacts and promote sustainability, through implementation of all relevant laws and mitigation measures governing the project. It will also promote urban restructuring, sustainable communities and environmental and economic sustainability. As The housing project has been constructed the objectives of the project are as follows: –
- Development of an environment-friendly and sustainable housing stands which ensure equal access to quality and affordable housing served with basic utilities;
- Provide for affordable shelter for local people in Bulawayo and Umguza; and
- Play a part in achieving one of the Sustainable Development Goals that is achieving, a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers.
The project’s vision is to create a modern living environment, offering entertainment, amenities, improved infrastructure, consisting of internal and external roads, as well as water, electricity and sewage systems. Furthermore, the project will stress on protecting and preserving the natural environment.
In terms of the Environmental Management Act (EMA) EIA Regulations of 2007, the project is a prescribed activity. An Environmental Impact Assessment was developed and an EIA certificate was issued.
In fulfillment of EMA act 20:27 and its Regulation Statutory Instrument 7 of 2007 (Environmental Impact Assessment and ecosystem Protection), the proponent contracted Environmental Guardians Services to undertake an EIA that will be approved by Environmental Management Agency. This EIA report is an evaluation tool.